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In case it went by too fast for you, the Seth Cohen Starter Pack included Death Cab, Bright Eyes, The Shins, Kavalier and Clay, and The Goonies DVD (“It’s not just for kids, Ryan, it’s not, I don’t care what they tell you”). They really went for the jugular putting this show up against Angel — it feels like The O.C. has already put more indie rock, comics, and hipster movie faves on the air (we also got “Over ther Top” this episode) in 13 episodes than we got in seven seasons of Buffy. Of course, we would have had no O.C. without Buffy (or possibly, horror to contemplate, no Summer), the first show to, um, reanimate teen soap cliches with great dialogue, complex characters, and subversive pop references, but I gotta admit, sometimes on the O.C., it feels a little like name-dropping. Do endearingly nerdy half-Jewish late bloomers like Seth still really read books like Legion? I mean, I did, but I’d been getting too old to remember. Good thing, then, the O.C.’s writers do.

comments 1

Oh my God! THANK YOU! I’ve been searching everywhere for the components of the Seth Cohen starter pack, I caught Kavalier and Clay and the Goonies but missed out on the musical picks, so thanks again! All about the O.C. kids… Love that Anna (Yum!)… Have a great day!

Posted by Mike Roe at December 10, 2003 03:03 PM

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