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We’ve yet to see NBC’s The Apprentice, but we’ve been seeing Donald Trump on all the late night talk shows, which gets us, like most people, talking about his hair. Talking about it tonight, we wondered if we could test the long-standing theory that it’s actually the top part of his hair, grown out, swept forward, and folded back over on top of his head. Rachel was good enough to volunteer her hair for a quick proof of concept, as we weren’t sure it was even possible.

The basic steps were simple. First, pull back the hair, then sweep it forward, flattening it into a sheet.

step 1

step 2

Using one hand to hold the hair flat, fold the rest of the hair back and over and smooth down.

step 3

step 4

At this point, we’re pretty sure the Don applies some major hairspray, but we weren’t that committed. Plus, the drugs were starting to wear off, and Rae was beginning to ask questions. So we finished off with some clothespins.

final result 1

In the right light, it was even a bit glamorous.

final result 2

So, as a proof of concept, not bad, although The Don has clearly taken it to a new level over the years. Here are the final results, side by side.

side by side

comments 2

The Don *wishes* he had that much hair to work with!

Posted by Buzz Andersen at February 6, 2004 12:00 AM

This is great Tim! I loved it :-)
Too bad this guy doesn’t appear on Tv down here. Anyway we too have smart guys (I mean politicians) with fake hair and faces… (sadly)

Posted by Martina at February 26, 2004 04:41 PM

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