November 03, 2004

Fuck Fuck Fuck

Looks like I was right to be freaking in my previous post. I’m reading that the networks are calling this for Bush (can’t stand to watch’em). The only explanations I can fathom are: The Christ-squad came out in force to defend their False Jesus; the youth vote stayed home; and in the months before the election, the right wing media (meaning the networks, newspapers, etc) continued to bestow the appearance of legitimacy on Bush even though he’s an election cheater, debate cheater, and killer of thousands of innocents. Fuck.

Juan Cole has a recap on where the race actually stands as of the wee hours Wednesday morning. If offers some hope but not much.

UPDATE, Wednesday: So, I see Kerry has conceded. Ouch.

UPDATE 2: I had an epithet directed at young voters that has been deleted. According to Joshua Marshall, “Young voters showed up at a far higher level than they did four years ago. But everyone else did too. And so the proportion of the electorate made up by the youth vote did not increase. At least not dramatically…” I’ve heard one reason for the Bush victory was people don’t want to change leaders mid-War. To some extent this is an indictment of Kerry’s failure to offer an alternative. But we know he would have lost on a peace initiative. I think what it comes down to is the majority of Americans are racist and aren’t offended by the idea of genocidal war.

UPDATE 3: This 1972 Hunter Thompson quote from Billmon says it better:
This may be the year when we finally come face to face with ourselves; finally just lay back and say it — that we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.