April 28, 2006

the big move

This is an experiment in two ways; one, in eight years I’ve rarely written about anything personal on the site, and two, I’ll be curious whom I hear from after this, as we haven’t told most people yet the news below, and I have no idea who reads the site.

Anyway, the news is that, after what’s been an excruciatingly long courtship with the Big Apple, Rae and I are finally taking the plunge and moving there next month. We even had a little side flirtation with Los Angeles for a while, but the end result was never really in question; we had to give in to true love.

So, real quick, some answers to your questions:
1. mid-May
2. Chelsea, not far from Eyebeam, actually
3. renting, of course
4. no, but we’re not worried about it, and
5. probably not any time soon

What am I most looking forward to? The only answer that counts is seeing a lot more of my lovely wife. The last few months, I’ve been spending more time in trains, planes, and hotel lobbies than in our living room, and I never want to do that again unless Rae’s coming with me. I don’t know how people do it; I’m barely functional whenever I’m away. After that, the list is pretty simple. Being able to hop on a train or cross-town bus and see immediate family – for fourteen years, it’s always been at least a four-hour trip. New places – an endless supply of new places – to eat. Not spending the equivalent of a full day each week on Amtrak. Cheaper, easier flights to Texas, California, and points beyond. And when it gets hot, the occasional weekend out on the water at my folks’. We’ll sadly be leaving a lot of dear friends and family* here in D.C. (although really, they’ve probably had enough of me) and this city’s been really good to us – it’s where we met, and where we’ve lived together, through good and not as good times, for a long time now. But New York’s been a second home to us – the first place we ever went together, the place where we ran off to get engaged, and later married, and the place where it seems we’re going to find whatever it is that we’re meant to do next.

I’d say stop by and see us once we move, but just want to warn you now, the place is kind of small. Maybe you should come by D.C. one last time instead, where our place is, we’re starting to realize, huge, and surrounded by quiet tree-lined streets and the city’s best view. Though at this point, our place is pretty full of boxes, too, so maybe we’ll just see you up there.

*D.C. peeps – I’ll be posting here some places and times we’re guaranteed to be stationed, ideally with pitchers of margaritas and beer, in coming weeks – we’d love if you’d like to come by for a bit and help send us off.