October 06, 2006


I think I might have said Deadwood was like drinking bourbon, as I don’t really know much about bordeaux, but either way, I always love a link from the inimitable Andrea Harner. That said, watching this week’s Lost was like drinking way too many cups of coffee, since we were just way agitated the whole episode…

Another conversation recently had with Andrea and friends was about James Ransone, the actor who played Ziggy on The Wire, and whom Andrea recently saw in Chinatown. None of them apparently had heard the great story earlier this year about Ransone chasing down and beating up a rapist who was assaulting a woman in his apartment building. There was a great local news story at the time with an on-camera interview of Ransone, where he said maybe next time he was up for an action part and they said he didn’t look tough enough, he could point to that story.

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